Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

7/8 A: Advisory Period
Thank you to Jimmy and Kevin for volunteering to be our first presenters!
Presentation Guidelines:
- 1 to 3 minutes in length
- Topic is what you think you want to be when you get older.
- Need to include:

  • Detailed description of the job; 
  • detailed information about what education you might need, including where that education might take place; 
  • describe a typical day in that job.
  • How it fits in with your 'passions' (what you LOVE to do)
  • Be ready to answer questions about your possible profession
- Please bring a physical object that you want to show the class to 'represent' the job/career, etc. you have chosen to speak about.

- Please have your tests signed by your parents. You are welcome to attend the retest on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd (not 2nd as it said on the paper - sorry). Both marks will be averaged and that will be your final mark.
- Your Lab #1 (3 pages) is due Monday, 3:10. If you have not already handed it in to me, please do so by

Science 8C:

- Please have your tests signed by your parents. You are welcome to attend the retest on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd (not 2nd as it said on the paper - sorry). Both marks will be averaged and that will be your final mark.
- Your Lab #1 (3 pages) was due today. If you have not already handed it in to me, please do so by MONDAY LATEST.

Science 8D:
- You will get your microscope tests back on Monday morning. You are welcome to attend the retest on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd. Both marks will be averaged and that will be your final mark.
- Your Lab #1 (3 pages) Is due Monday by 3:10. If you would like any help with it, please come in ANY part of either Nutrition Break on Monday and I will help you.

Science 7B and 7C:  You are going outside on Monday! Dress for the weather and for RUNNING!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

To ALL 176 of my students and their parents/guardians!!
After carefully compiling all of your emails, sadly, it has been suggested by administration that parents and teachers not communicate via email. I see their point. Things can be misunderstood in an email that is easily understood when face to face with someone and/or speaking with them on the phone. Also, emails can be forwarded, seen by others when confidentiality might be a factor, etc. SO, please, please stay in touch via phone or dropping by or agendas! I am in the school every day by 8 a.m. definitely, often earlier.  Please come by if you have a concern, or call and leave a message. I will do my absolute best to call ou back that day.  

Class 8B:
Thank you for working hard on your lab today. You need to hand in you lab answer sheets to me by tomorrow, by 3:10. If you want, I will provide any assistance you need at any part of either nutrition break.
Please remember that if you are absent from a Science class, it is your responsibility to come to the make up Science class. I will give your home room teacher any notes you may have missed, plus an invite to a make up class. These classes are not mandatory, but are recommended.

Reminder to ALL GR. 7 CLASSES: You will be going outside tomorrow or Monday. It is just safe to assume that if you have Science, dress for the weather..

My 7/8 Class:
-  No matter if we win the pizza party or not, I am extremely proud of you all. Well done. Thank you for helping to make such a successful Terry Fox Day.
  Spelling: next round of spelling words will start on Monday.
-  Science Homework: exactly the same as 7FI's Science homework. It was posted on the blog yesterday. However, it is not due until next Wednesday (in case you are busy this weekend!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012

My 7/8A Class - I WANT TO WIN THAT PIZZA PARTY!!!! SHAKE OUT THOSE PIGGY BANKS! CASH IN THE BONDS FROM GRANDMA! Remember - I'll supply the ice cream and the pop if we win!!

Grade 7FI: GREAT job outside today!!!
- If you didn't hand in your pineapple diagram, please do it tomorrow!
- NEW Homework: You can do either:

A. Draw a detailed drawing of a milkweed plant. Make sure to LABEL all parts, including a seed pod. DON'T PICK ONE. The monarchs need them. Please just let them be.


B. Write out Instructions for today's game!  Make sure to include:

  1. A Title for our game (be creative!)
  2. The roles of Carnivore, Omnivore and Herbivore - what they do and what they need to get (was 6 water too many? how many food for each?) 
  3. Hiding the food and water stations
  4. Add in Disease and Natural Disaster as a factor (and maybe scavengers?!?)
  5. Any other rules that would make it fun and exciting that we didn't think of (like solving the problem of the carnivore - what happens to them?)


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012

Starting on Day 1 (Tuesday), All grade 7 Science Classes will be going outside, off property. You need to make sure your permission form for walking trips is in to the office. If it is NOT, you will stay at school and do textbook work.

- It is Toonies for Terry week. If anyone brings in a Toonie tomorrow, I will give you a chocolate bar!
- Your spelling assignment is due tomorrow (unless I have spoken to you).

TO ALL PARENTS (and students)!!
Do you have an old fish tank you could give to us? It can leak, etc. We are going to make our own ecosystems. Please ask around - as many as we can would be great!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

YOU WILL HAVE A TEST ON THE MICROSCOPE PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS DURING YOUR NEXT SCIENCE CLASS. If you would like to study, come and see me at any 'eating' part of a nutrition break. If you would like to tell me ORALLY each part and its function (and NOT have to write down the information) and be tested that way, come and see me during any 'eating' part of a nutrition break If you would like to show me that you know the information in ANY WAY other than the written test, come and do it!! I am open to creative solutions! I only need you to prove to me you know and understand the parts and functions of a microscope.

GRADE 7/8 A L.A.:
- Please remember to bring back your UGCLOUD form.
- Please remember that your spelling is due on Monday.
- Please spend some time thinking about what you 'passion' is! Thank you Kevin, for sharing yours!
- Please have a safe weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012

OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT! come and meet the 'creature'!

Class 7/8A -
- Spelling Homework is due on Monday. Not sure what to do? Ask me, or check out the blog dated:
MONDAY SEPT. 10 for details.

- UG Cloud forms due. Please, I know there are too many forms, but if you can sign and bring back it would be greatly appreciated.

Class 7/8 A Science Homework:
1. be ready to identify the different types of consumers.
2. Draw a scientific diagram (labelled, notes/observations, coloured!!) of a PINEAPPLE WEED.
3. Finish the centre you were working on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012

Class 7/8A
- Dictionary: if you have a dictionary at home and it's okay to bring it in, please do.

- Glossary: make sure you have at least 3 words done. (Check yesterday's blog entry to help you get all the information you need.)

- Tell your parents about the peer pressure activity we did today in Advisory.

Class 7FI Science Homework:
1. be ready to identify the different types of consumers.
2. Draw a scientific diagram (labelled, notes/observations, coloured!!) of a PINEAPPLE WEED.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012

Grade 7FI - you will not be going out tomorrow, but I would like to go on the internet, so please remember to get those forms in to your home room teacher!!!

Class 7/8A:
- Don't forget - you are to read 5 out of 7 nights a week and record it in your agenda.
- Language Arts:
Today we learned about making a GLOSSARY. A glossary is a list of new words from the book you are reading. I asked you to find a new/challenging or 'delicious' word from your personal reading book. You are to break it down into syllables. Then, look up in a dictionary (online or the old fashioned way) and record the definition. Finally, illustrate the word if you can.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, Sept. 17, 12

Class 8C: You have science tomorrow. We will be doing our "Science and Tech" Chart for Bellwork! IF YOU ARE READING THIS BLOG - GOOD FOR YOU!!! YOU CAN COPY THE CHART OUT RIGHT NOW AND HAND IT IN TO ME TOMORROW AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF CLASS!!! I'm doing this because I'm happy you are checking on the blog the day before science class. Thanks!

Class 7/8 A:
L.A. Please hand in your paragraph on the SETTING of your personal narrative book you are reading, using A.P.E.

What is A.P.E.?
A.P.E. stands for:

A =Answer the question using full sentences.
P = Prove your answer by providing a page number that you found your information on and/or give lots of details that back up your answer.
E = Extend your answer by writing about ONE of the following: text - to - text connection, text - to - self connection or text - to - world connection.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, Sept. 14, 2012 - 7B/7C - Outside!

Classes 7B and 7C - we are going outside on Monday! Please come dressed appropriately!

Class 7/8 A - please remember - Grammar chart due on Monday. Spelling homework isn't due until NEXT Monday.

Have a safe, relaxing weekend.

Mrs. Bibby Smith

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012. 7/8A Agendas and H.W.

AGENDAS:  Note to Parents (and Students):
We had a discussion today about agendas. We decided that by grade 7 and 8, the responsibility of recording homework in the agenda and doing the homework should be ultimately the students'. Therefore, parents, we are requesting that you check the agendas once a week - probably best on a Thursday - and sign it on that day only.
Q. What am I looking for when I sign it?
A. You should see that in the last seven days, your child has read 5 times (or more) and recorded what they are reading and either how many pages or for how long. You should also see some other assignments written in there from me and most likely from other classes. If you are uncertain if you child is writing down the assignments correctly, check this blog! Hopefully I've done it!

Q. What if they haven't done their work (haven't shown me)? Then do I not sign it?
A. No - you still sign it, but you write - "Work is not complete" and you can write either excused (e.g. you know it's not done and there's a good reason you support) or not excused.

Q. What if I want to write a note to you, the teacher?
A. Not to worry - I REQUIRE the students to bring their agenda to each and every class they have with me. I will check agendas every day and if you write in it, I will see it.

Please bring your booklet of forms back in for the office.

Please read the Phys. Ed. note you got from Ms. Bilton

Remember - your parts of speech chart is due on Monday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

7/8 A
Language Arts homework:

Create a parts of speech chart - DUE MONDAY, SEPT. 17TH. From your own personal reading book, find 10 examples of each kind of parts of speech and list them in a chart, with the page number in brackets next to each of your words.


Grade 8's (and grade 7 smarty pants): Please also do: PRONOUNS, PREPOSITIONS, INTERJECTIONS and CONJUNCTIONS.

We talked about working at your level. If you need to change the work to suit your level - do it. That means both ways. Be honest with yourself. If you need to only look for NOUNS and VERBS - then do that. If you KNOW you can do more, I expect you to do more. If you want to speak to me about this, let's talk. That goes for parents, too!

GREAT websites to help you learn your parts of speech:

parts of speech resource

parts of speech chart

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012

7FI - Outside tomorrow! Please remember your walking trip forms!!! VERY IMPORTANT!
Please dress for the weather.

7/8 A - forms
- please bring in your student survey
- Everyone please make sure your booklet of forms for the office is back to me by tomorrow!
- If you want pizza or milk, please get you form in to me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, Sept. 10th, 2012 - 7/8 A HOMEWORK

- Read 20+ mins
- get your parents/guardians to look at the package of information given to you today from the office. Have them check over the information, fill it out and return it to me ASAP.
- Read the blog about Spelling Homework. The next Spelling Homework Package is due to me on: Monday, Sept. 24th.

Monday, Sept. 10, 2012 - 7/8A SPELLING HOMEWORK!

Monday, Sept. 10, 2012 - 7/8A SPELLING HOMEWORK!

Spelling - I give each student a personalized spelling list approximately every two weeks. Normally, this list comes from the words they have spelled incorrectly from previous work; however, because it is the beginning of the year and we really don't have a lot to assess yet, I have dictated many words to get you started.
You need 12 words on your list. This list gets stapled or taped to the current week in your agenda. You do all of your spelling practice at home. Once, every two weeks, you will hand in your spelling homework, and we will test one another with our word lists.

Practice: Here are 4 mandatory lessons I would like you to do. Then, I would like 1 extra 'lesson' that you design - all I want to see is that you create (a.) a way that shows how you like to learn, and (b) shows effort!
Mandatory Lessons:

1. Write a definition of the word IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You don't need to use a dictionary if you are certain you know the meaning. If you are not certain, then look it up, or Google it, read up on it and then put it in your own words.

2. Write the word, dividing it up into syllables, showing which syllable is stressed when saying it. For example:  Inflammatory - in-FLAM-ma-tor-y

3. Write the word in a good sentence. The sentence has to give a sense of what the word means. Then, after the sentence, write what part of speech the word is in the sentence. For example: The teacher's inflammatory remarks incensed the students' sense of dignity.  (adjective)

4. Write your words using two colours: one colour for consonants, the other colour for vowels (you can count the letter Y as a vowel!). For example: INFLAMMATORY.  My hope is that you will see the pattern of letters and it will help you remember.

5. BE CREATIVE! What are you good at? A song? Poem? Creating letters out of clay? Artistic? Show off your stuff. You should be able to show me that it helps you in some way remember how to spell your words, and that you took time and effort to do it.

Questions? No problem. Just ask!
Mrs. B.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 6th

Grade 7/8 A:

Yes! Wow! The number of students that came up to me and said, "The name of that part of speech describing an exclamation sentence is an INTERJECTION!" was wonderful!! Gee! Man! (Get the point?!)

Language Arts:

- Make a Topic Triangle* and then write a Paragraph (3 to 6+ sentences) about that specific topic. DUE MONDAY.

- Read for 20+ mins (again - only 5 nights a week - you pick the nights)

*A topic triangle: start with a general topic, like Gaming Systems. Then narrow it down and narrow it down, etc. until you have something really specific: Gaming Systems - Microsoft - XBox - XBox 360...  When you have a specific topic, write about that (NOT THE GENERAL TOPIC).

Be ready to go outside day 3 next week - Thursday, Sept. 13th. We will be starting our unit on "Interactions with the Environment".

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Tuesday, September 4th: Welcome!

Welcome to room 23! 
7/8 A Language Arts

  • Reading 20+ minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Record, in your agenda, the following information:

            - title of reading material
            - page numbers read/approximate time read

  • Agenda - cost is $7.00. Please bring your money in as quickly as possible.

All Classes:

  • Student Survey - please take the time to fill in and share with your parents. First 10 surveys I receive back from each class entitles the bearer to a chocolate bar!