Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thurs. Jan. 31/13

8D Science:

Today's experiment: The Ups and Downs of Thermometers - not a difficult one; just getting used to using the Scientific Method, writing up an experiment and synthesizing data. I have shared the link to the text book with you all, but here it is again, just in case you prefer the Blog to the Cloud:

Middle School Chemistry

Also, the link to the Experiment Format:

Scientific Experiment Format

If possible, please hand in both this experiment and your gummy bear experiment by next Tuesday, and I will do my best to mark at least one of them and hand it back to you by our next class together.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My marking... ugh

I apologize you haven't got back your assignments, homework, quizzes, etc. lately. I have been focusing on your report cards, not marking. The items that you have handed in to me are for term two. So, this weekend, I will MARK NON-STOP and get all of your things back to you - ASAP!

Wed. Jan. 30/13

7/8 A Science and 8B Science:
Today, we looked at movement of molecules in a Liquid and in a Solid. We are also looking at the steps of the Scientific Method and using them with our experiment. Here is all of the information you need:

Middle School Chemistry

Scientific Experiment Format

Your homework, due for Monday: Using the observations from the Experiment, "The Ups and Downs of Thermometers", page 32 in our PDF Textbook (see link above), submit an Experiment to me, using the format above. As always, I prefer it on the Cloud; however, you may submit your experiment to me on paper if you wish. Typed is preferred, neatly printed is acceptable.

Addition to this, Grade 8's in my 7/8A class, please respond to the question on page 43, Take It Further. In APE format, of course.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Dear Students (and any parents that might read this):

I give my kids a day off every now and again. I do. Both my husband and I are teachers (I know, you are thinking, poor kids) and we think education is obviously extremely important. Having said that, we allow our daughters the odd day to have with the sitter (who is totally fun according to my eldest daughter) or with their grandparents. Yep. Hooky.

Having said that, a no bus day - I want my kids to go. It is not a 'write off' as some kids say it is. A 'No Bus Day', ESPECIALLY to an intermediate student, is a fantastic day to get caught up. You can get more one-on-one time with a teacher, you can do that homework that's hanging over your head, you can study for the test coming up or ask about the project that is due. No bus days are great to use if you are struggling in a particular subject - their are always teachers like me, who will do anything to avoid marking (like writing this blog) and sit down with you and explain why you need to understand the formula in math, not just memorize and type it into the monkey machine calculator...

So, there are likely to be more NO BUS DAYS coming into February.  Before you turn that alarm off and roll over, or beg your mom to let you stay at home because 'nobody does nothing' on no bus days, think of me, READY and WAITING to help you...   Just a thought.

And, there might be leftover (free pizza) if it happens on a Monday or Thursday. Remember to check the calendar the next time it's a NBD.

Tuesday, Jan. 29/13

7D Science:
Great work, today ladies and gentlemen!! Thanks for doing extra cleaning for me, Ronan. Much appreciated.
Homework: due by... let's say Friday -

1 - Questions 1, 2 (both charts) and 3, 4 of lesson 3:

lesson 3: The Process of Dissolving

2 - the Practice Test I gave you today in class. DO NOT HAND IT IN. Do it. Study it. Understand it. KNOW IT. Got it?!

Thank you - that is all!

7/8A Advisory:
WOW! Thank you so very much Dr. Williams for coming in to speak to our class(es) today! Holy cow - you have to go to school for a long time to be a surgeon - THANK GOODNESS!!! We loved the 'cat scratch' story - all that blood!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, Jan. 28/13 - WEEKLY UPDATE, TOO!

Wow! I have never gone this long without posting!  I do apologize for not posting sooner; it was a crazy busy weekend!

Class 8D Science:
You were given the Gummy Bear Assignment. I would like you to use the paper that I gave to you as your 'rough draft'. This experiment isn't due until next Tuesday, Feb. 5th.  I would like you to make a good copy of your experiment, setting it up using the 7 steps of the Scientific Method. I would like it typed, printed and handed in inside a duo tang or similar cover, please. If you need the use of a computer, please let me know. If you need a duo tang, please let me know. Questions? Please come see me second nutrition break. (I will most likely be in the library)

Class 7B and 7C Science: 
I heard you were wonderful for the supply teacher. YUMMY timbits coming your way!!!! Did I bribe you to be good?! YOU BETCHA!!!

Class 8C Science:
Great job today. If you don't like your mark, you can redo the test next science class we have together. It might be slightly different looking. Thank you to Madison for making our test today. Great study technique! And thank you to Natalie, for staying after and marking for me!

Weekly Update:

I know this is supposed to be on a Friday, but last Friday I was extremely busy! So, here it is:

KNOW the 7 steps of the Scientific Method
KNOW the definition and be able to give an example of a SOLUTE, SOLVENT and a SOLUTION.
BE READY to start/finish up our 4 Solutes and 2 Solvent Experiment!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wed. Jan. 23

Class 7/8A Science:
Well done today! Please make sure you reread today's note and are ready for next class:
Chem Lesson 3: the art of Dissolving
You will be expected to do the questions and hand them in by Monday - either on the Cloud or paper - your choice. You may wish to print out the note and fill in answers as you go. Again, your choice.

I also strongly suggest you watch the video I posted on last Friday's Weekly Update.

Keep warm!!

Class 8B Science:
While it was disappointing not to do our big experiment today, the College Heights presentation was excellent. 
Before next class:

  • May I suggest that you read this note to be prepared:

Chem Lesson 3: the Art of Dissolving

  • You will want to know the definition of a SOLUTE, SOLVENT AND SOLUTION.
  • You may want to RE-watch the video we saw today. You will find it in last Friday's Weekly Science Update post.
(There! Made it! 5:55p.m.!)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, Jan. 22/13

Class 7D Science:
Well done today! I think as soon as you come in next class we will get started on the second half of our experiment. Please make sure you reread today's note and are ready for next class:
Chem Lesson 3: the art of Dissolving
You will be expected to do the questions and hand them in next class - either on the Cloud or paper - your choice. You may wish to print out the note and fill in answers as you go. Again, your choice.

I also strongly suggest you watch the video I posted (on last Friday's Weekly Update).

Keep warm!!

Class 7/8 Advisory: take a look

The 10 000 hour rule... Malcolm Gladwell

I have spoken about this before. We will look at his work and discuss how it can help us in our pursuit of our dreams.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday, Jan. 20th - some comic relief!

Thank you, Taylor, for this video!!! I'm procrastinating with my reports right now, and this is helping me...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Weekly Update for the Week of Jan. 22nd - 25th

Next Week in Science Class:

This week coming up, if you have not had your Scientific Method Quiz, you will be having one!
You will be performing experiments using different solutes in different solvents to create different solutions.
Please make sure you know what the definitions are for: Solute, Solvent and Solution.

Want to get ahead?? Watch this:

Science Notes: Just a reminder: I will not be regularly printing off science notes. Please make sure to read them either on the Cloud, or from this blog. If you want a paper copy, feel free to print it out, or, there will be some in the folder on my classroom door.

Here are the notes you are responsible for so far:

Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Chapter 1 lesson 2

A.P.E. Questions and Answers

Friday, Jan. 18th - 8C Science

8C Science: 
Well done, today!!!! If you didn't get your work finished, please hand it in on Tuesday:

A - Chapter 1, Lesson 1, Questions 5, 6, and 7

B - Chapter 1, Lesson 2, Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4

C - write down the definitions for a SOLUTE, a SOLVENT and a SOLUTION.

D - write out 5 Household Solutions, like this:

Example: POP
Solute - carbon dioxide (gas)
Solvent - water (liquid)
Solution type - gas - liquid
Use - drink

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013

Class 7C and 7B Science:

A)Please answer questions 1, 2, 3 & 4 from the Middle School Chemistry PDF Book & hand in by tomorrow. Many of you have already handed this in already.

Here is the link to the Text Book: Middle School Chemistry Textbook

B) Write down 5 household solutions, identifying what is the solvent, solute and it's solution type and use.
For Example:
solute - carbon dioxide (gas)
solvent - water (liquid)
Solution type - gas-liquid
Use - drink

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wed. Jan. 16, 2013

8D Science Class:
Very disappointing behaviour today, class. Far too much talking and fooling around. I will expect a drastic change by next class, or the equipment goes away and you can watch me perform the experiments and simply write the answers.

Here is the Science Note from today: The process of Dissolving

Please answer the questions and submit them to me by Monday.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Class 7/8/A and 8B  Science: 
(Due by the end of the week!)

A. Why does water expand when it is frozen? (APE answer)

B. Write the definition of a solvent, a solute and a solution in your science notebook (it can be electronic or on  paper)

C. Write down 5 household solutions, identifying what is the solvent, solute and it's solution type.
For Example:
solute - carbon dioxide (gas)
solvent - water (liquid)
Solution type - gas-liquid
Use - drink

Monday, January 14, 2013

Why does water expand when a solid...

Okay, I know I asked you to answer this question, but look at this cool video I found...

Monday, Jan. 14, 2013

Class 7D Science: 

(Due by the end of the week!)

A. Why does water expand when it is frozen? (APE answer)

B. Write the definition of a solvent, a solute and a solution in your science notebook (it can be electronic or on  paper)

C. Write down 5 household solutions, identifying what is the solvent, solute and it's solution type and use.
For Example:
solute - carbon dioxide (gas)
solvent - water (liquid)
Solution type - gas-liquid
Use - drink

Class 7/8A Advisory Class:
Thank you so much Mr. Arnott for coming in and speaking to our class. On a scale of 1 - 122 - your visit was 122!!
Thank you Aaron and Trent for telling us your career choices! My fingers are crossed!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday, Jan. 12/13 - About the Cloud...

To All my science classes:
I love that you are handing in things on the UGCloud. It is easy to read, reaches me with certainty (not lost in a hand in bucket somewhere) and eco-friendly! A couple of notes about this:
- If you want to hand in your work, do not email me your document. SHARE it with me.

Make sense?  If not, email me!

Friday, January 11, 2013

FRIDAY, Jan. 11/13 - Weekly Update!!!

Next Week in Science: 

We will have a little quiz on the Scientific Method.  Please make sure you know and understand all the steps in the Scientific Method. To review, please go to:

Please make sure to hand in your Homework Questions. They are different for each class. See previous posts to make sure you get your work in.

I want to remind all of you that now we are doing our Chemistry unit, we need to be aware of certain safety rules. We will review/learn these rules this week.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, Jan. 10/13

Classes 7C and 7B Science Homework:

Please review the Scientific Process - Steps

Please review and answer Questions 5, 6 and 7 and hand in by Monday:  Chemistry Introduction Lesson

Please note - I will NOT be printing out notes for everyone!  I will only print out notes for students who do not have internet access at home, and do not have an internet. All of your notes will be attached to this blog AND emailed to your UGCloud account. Please contact me or Mrs. Preston if you need help getting on the Cloud.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Wed. Jan. 9/13

Class 8D - Science Homework:

Please review the Scientific Process - Steps

Please review and answer Questions 5, 6 and 7 and hand in by tomorrow:  Chemistry Introduction Lesson

Please review and answer Questions 3 and 4 and hand in by tomorrow:  Lesson 2

Class 7/8 A - Advisory For next Monday:
Dear Class, Mr. Ted Arnott is coming to our classroom next Monday. I want to make sure that you have some basic information learned, so that we can have an intelligent conversation!

This is a great video, speaking generally about the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT:

After you understand FEDERAL Government (and, by the way, who is our FEDERAL - MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT??), then please watch this video on the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF CANADA:

Mr. Arnott is our MPP (Minister of Provincial Parliament). Please come to class on Monday with THREE prepared questions for Mr. Arnott. You might want to check out his website, at:

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

7/8A - Science AND  8B Science: HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW
  1. Scientific Method - Steps and Procedure - go to this site at Science Buddies and LEARN the steps.
  2. Chemistry Introduction Note: Chemistry Introduction - Molecules Matter - Please answer questions 5, 6, and 7

Monday, January 07, 2013

January 7, 2012 - Happy New Year!!!

7/8A  - Advisory: Thank you so much to Mr. Bolen for coming in and speaking to us today about Fire Fighting. You ask such great questions - I truly think the adults that come here are impressed with your maturity and insight.

Okay, for the LIFE of me, I cannot remember what I told you I would put on this blog by 6 p.m. tonight. Ugh. You will get old some day too, and forget things. Can someone email me, please???

7FI - Science
Thank you for being my guinea pigs today! (or goats - your choice!)
  1. Scientific Method - Steps and Procedure - go to this site at Science Buddies and LEARN the steps.
  2. Chemistry Introduction Note: Matter - Please answer questions 5, 6, and 7