Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, Jan. 14, 2013

Class 7D Science: 

(Due by the end of the week!)

A. Why does water expand when it is frozen? (APE answer)

B. Write the definition of a solvent, a solute and a solution in your science notebook (it can be electronic or on  paper)

C. Write down 5 household solutions, identifying what is the solvent, solute and it's solution type and use.
For Example:
solute - carbon dioxide (gas)
solvent - water (liquid)
Solution type - gas-liquid
Use - drink

Class 7/8A Advisory Class:
Thank you so much Mr. Arnott for coming in and speaking to our class. On a scale of 1 - 122 - your visit was 122!!
Thank you Aaron and Trent for telling us your career choices! My fingers are crossed!