I am asking you to make a mind map: in the middle, I want you to draw/write a goal you might have for June of this year. I want you to think about the obstacles or problems you suspect are going to get in the way of that goal and list ways to overcome those obstacles. You can draw/write your strategies OR create a chart with if/then statements, if you aren't a 'spatial'/artist person. Due next Advisory Period.
Class 7D Science:
Wow! What a cool class you are! I enjoyed our discussion today. So, Homework:
For Next Science Class (Feb. 19th): you will have a test on the 8 WHMIS Classifications and symbols. You will need to match the symbol to the class, BUT I am going to leave one of the symbols out and you will have to draw it and label it. (Don't worry - I will pick an easy one to draw). Also, you will need to provide THREE examples of household substances that have WHMIS classification symbols on and be able to tell me what class they belong to! Very important and useful information!! I have just given the WHMIS sheets to Mme Ghazarian so you will get them tomorrow. STUDY!
I handed out an experiment today - THE GUMMY BEAR EXPERIMENT. The papers I handed out are your rough copy notes. I expect you to write up your experiment using the scientific method steps. While this is an 'At-Home' experiment, you are welcome to come in to my make up science class and record the mass of your Gummy Bear, and get any help you want with this experiment. I will expect the good copy to be handed in (electronically would be wonderful!!!) on - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND.