General Announcements:
- We are not going tree planting. We had hoped to go tree planting this week; however, due to complications with getting a site to plant the trees, we had to cancel. I haven't heard if we can reschedule; I will let you know if there are any future developments.
- WEAR lots of clothing!!! Please bring lots of clothes to wear. I see you shivering at recess because you don't wear enough clothing. You can always take layers off but you can't put on layers you don't have.
- Litter-less lunch week has passed; however, why not get in the habit of bringing snack containers rather than individual portion sizes? It is much cheaper/economical for your parents to buy
Language Arts for Class 7/8A:
Spelling: This week's spelling is independent. You have (hopefully by now) gone through your past spelling lists and picked out 10 to 15 words that you have spelled incorrectly in the past and written them down correctly. The spelling activities you choose to do to learn your words is completely up to you. Some students find writing their words out helps, others find having someone quiz you helps. Students have found cool apps that help them learn. If you are looking for a neat app, Starbucks (at Target) has a free app card this week, focused on spelling. Check it out there!At home daily writing: This week, I would like you to write 1-2 pages (single spaced amount; double space your words if you are hand writing them, so people can read them more easily). Again, the subject can be your choice, or, if you are stuck, there are 101 suggestions right here!
Reading: Our goal is 20 books read this year. Is that a good goal for everyone? No. It is just a general goal. The best goal you could choose for yourself is to count the number of books you had read between September and December and double it, then add two. Why add two? Because you are getting better! Challenge yourself! We will be doing a neat little book report for May... you will see.
Science for Grade 7's:
All grade 7 classes, except mine 7A, have been given their gummy bear assignment back. I have marked all of them. Thou have one week to work on them. If you would like me to remark it, please return it to me during your class.
No quiz this week. All classes need to have these definitions: (Google or wiki them!)
-Line of symmetry
-structure types: shell, solid and frame.
-give at least three examples of each type of structure, and draw or make one.
Science for Grade 8's:
Fluids: for this week's quiz, know this chart and the definition of Fluids:
- Any form of matter that flows.
- Since liquids and gases do NOT have a definite shape they are able to flow making them fluids.