Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Update for Tuesday, April 22 to Friday, April 25

Tuesday, April 22nd Day 2
Casi practice is due! Please make sure it's in, as we are going to take it up this week.
Speech finals - you have all done a wonderful job! Who will be our winner?
Spelling quizzes - good luck for week 15!

8D Science:
Quiz - 3 states, 6 changes of states and 5 parts of the particle theory.
Create an experiment to prove that gas is a fluid.

Wednesday, April 23rd Day 3
Earth Day reading
Community Clean up! Let's get out there! (dress for the weather!)

7B and 7C Science:
Your test results have been emailed to you. If you haven't received your email, you may have entered the information incorrectly. We will be taking the test up and reviewing the answers. Your gummy bear assignments are also marked! They are coming back tomorrow (if you handed in on time).

Thursday, April 24th  Day 4
Paperless Thursday! Read, read, read! Make sure you bring your reading book and we will discuss our next reading assignment. Also, we should have our schedule for Arts' Day and will be able to discuss.

7D Science:
see above with 7B and 7C

Friday, April 25th Day 5
ARTS' DAY!!!! Enjoy your day!