Tuesday, July 08, 2014

I'm reading the most interesting book!

I do have a fascination for chemistry and came across this as an eBook (trying to travel light to Brazil!)

It is completely accessible for my grade 8 students who have a fondness for chemistry. There are TONS of experiments and theories to do and explore. The library does NOT have it, but as you can see, it's on sale at Chapters/Indigo and the eBook version is only 9.99!

Keep learning!
Mrs. B

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Happy Canada Day!

In Canada: Happy Canada Day from the Hadfields! (and from Mrs. Bibby Smith!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Women in science

Watch this

The Teapot Effect - By Mr. Y - The True Scientist in the School

The Teapot Effect
Our pavement is eroding away. This is due to an interesting phenomena called the teapot effect. Teapot technology is largely ignored by mainstream media (some say unfairly). The problem with teapots is their annoying habit of dribbling, particularly at low rates of flow. The phenomenon has achieved such notoriety that it has been imaginatively dubbed the “teapot effect”. This I am sure we have all seen with say pouring milk from one glass into another. It will run down the side of the glass on us.
Many people, including scientists, have thought that the water spillage is caused by water tension, however, this is not the case.
In 1956, Markus Reiner performed an experiment which seemed to show this wasn't true. He placed a conical flask upside down in water and poured salty water, which sinks in normal water because it’s denser, over the top of it. Since surface tension has no effect underwater the salty water stream should have fallen straight down from the edge of the flask’s bottom, but Reiner found that the water followed the incline of the flask for a short while. He also established that flow rate was important. The slower the pour, the more likely the teapot was to drip. With a fast pour the tea has less of a chance to slow down, change direction and drip down the spout.
Like many of us, Dr. Keller had long observed the pesky problem of that little bit of tea that always seems to run down the outside of the spout and drip into our laps. Then, in 1956, he heard a lecture that inspired him. An Israeli scientist reported he asked 100 physicists why teapots drip and they all said it was due to surface tension. This scientist did some experiments that proved it couldn’t be caused by surface tension, so what is the explanation? Dr. Keller wrote a paper, ‘The Teapot Effect,’ Dr. Keller showed that it was air pressure, not surface tension, that causes drips. “It is simply that at the pouring lip the pressure in the liquid is lower than the pressure in the surrounding air,” he said, “so air pressure pushes the tea against the lip and against the outside of the spout.”

So you are probably wondering what this has to do with the pavement eroding away on our hardtop? Well, very simply, when it rains, water is forced down to this area due to gravity, and the topography of the pavement. As it hits the lip of the pavement it drips or flows along the edge and due to differential air pressure it is forced up under the asphalt lip, and it eats away at the underlying gravel and digs it out.
The teapot effect.

So as these two pictures show, the water runs over the edge where the air pressure forces it to ride along the bottom of the asphalt thus digging out the gravel underneath.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mindset: What is mindset?

Every so often a truly groundbreaking idea comes along. This is one. Mindset explains:
  • Why brains and talent don’t bring success
  • How they can stand in the way of it
  • Why praising brains and talent doesn’t foster self-esteem and accomplishment, but jeopardizes them
  • How teaching a simple idea about the brain raises grades and productivity
  • What all great CEOs, parents, teachers, athletes know
Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference.
In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort. They’re wrong.
In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities.
Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It enhances relationships. When you read Mindset, you’ll see how.

This quote is from the Website: Mindset: What is Mindset
We did a small quiz in class, to ascertain what our mindset was. Ask your child (in 7/8A) how they scored!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

8C: Fluids Lab DUE!

Hello 8C! Your fluid lab was due today. I think I got 2...
With track and field being a little mixed up with the rain I completely understand. Please feel free to hand it in to me on FRIDAY. I have a supply teacher in tomorrow. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IT TO THE SUPPLY TEACHER!!!!! WHEN IN DOUBT, SEND IT ON THE CLOUD!

Pyro Board: 2D Rubens' Tube! Thanks Nicole!!! WICKED!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

7/8A: don't forget~!

Science: make sure to answer your Sponge Lab Questions!
Language: group 2 presents their short stories tomorrow and their figures of speech
Language: I am still wanting Daily Free Write Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays - aiming at 1 to 2 pages a night!

8C and 8D: Flow Rate and Viscosity Lab

The lab we worked on today is due next Wednesday, May 21st. You might not have me for science that day; however, our regular science class will be missed due to Track and Field the day before (8C)Here is the Lab: Comparing the Flow Rate of Different Liquids

You will need the Class Results to complete question 3 in the data analysis. And, here is the rubric your lab will be marked against.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Language 7/8A Short Story Assignment

Dear 7/8A Language,

I really need you to find a great Canadian short story. What is a short story? Well have a look at Wikipedia's definition of a Short Story.

The search is easy if you know where to look. THE LIBRARY!!!! Please go to the library. If you want to find a polar bear, you go to the North Pole. Don't look in Fergus. You want a great CANADIAN short story - go to the library! They have hundreds of them!

Make sure your short story is complete. Often, part of a short story will be online, but not the entire story. Make sure you have the entire story.

Success Criteria for choosing a Short Story:

  • It's classified as a short story (read the back of the book)
  • It's Canadian (as in, it is written by a Canadian Author)
  • It is interesting in Language. This is a difficult one to classify, but make sure it has some 'depth'; when you read it you like the words and it makes you think about things in your life.
  • You bring it to school on your assigned day: Group 1 on Monday, Group 2 on Tuesday and Group 3 on Wednesday.
Good luck!

May Newsletter

General Notes to Parents (and students):

  • Indoor shoes: please make sure your child/you have indoor shoes. I need you to change them before you come into the classroom even in nice weather. It is respectful to keep our learning areas as clean as possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.
  • Homework: I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER (did I say NEVER?) assign homework over a weekend. IF your child is doing homework over the weekend, that is because he or she has: left it to the last minute, or is choosing to do his/her homework a this time. To me, weekends should be family time; relaxing time. I can guarantee you, if it is Sunday night and your child says, but this is due Monday/tomorrow, please know it was not assigned Friday. I almost always give a week to work on any assignment. I do this so students will learn to organize their time.
  • Failing Science: If your child was in danger of failing or was failing Science during second term, you received a phone call from me within the first two weeks in March. If your child was doing satisfactorily up to that point, but is now struggling with our new unit, you will receive a phone call this week or next. If you do not receive a phone call, please consider your child passing (getting over 60%). If you want to meet with me, to see how your child is progressing, please, just use the contact form on my website and I will set up a time to meet with you; or, call Mrs. Oliver and Ms. Gallant and they will help you.

Language this month:

For the month of May, we will be working on:
  • Figures of Speech 
  • Short Stories 
  • Dialogue writing 
  • Oral Book Report 

Grade 7 Science:

This month, we will continue our work on Structures:
  • stability, centre of gravity and symmetry 
  • exploring forces 
  • examine the relationship between design and function 

Grade 8 Science:

This month, we will continue our work on Fluids:
  • comparing viscosity of various fluids 
  • use 'gizmos' to examine flow rate, volume, mass, pressure 
  • extension: fluids in the workplace

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Language 7/8A: CASI due and short story assignment

Group 2: CSh, JM, KLo, TS, AB, HA, LVD, HST, LC, KLy
FINISH your CASI, polish your answers and share it with me on the Cloud by FRIDAY.
Please choose a short story, written by a Canadian. Read it and bring it to class with you for next Tuesday.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Update for April 28th to May 2nd

General Announcements:

  • We are not going tree planting. We had hoped to go tree planting this week; however, due to complications with getting a site to plant the trees, we had to cancel. I haven't heard if we can reschedule; I will let you know if there are any future developments.
  • WEAR lots of clothing!!! Please bring lots of clothes to wear. I see you shivering at recess because you don't wear enough clothing. You can always take layers off but you can't put on layers you don't have.
  • Litter-less lunch week has passed; however, why not get in the habit of bringing snack containers rather than individual portion sizes? It is much cheaper/economical for your parents to buy

Language Arts for Class 7/8A:

Spelling: This week's spelling is independent.  You have (hopefully by now) gone through your past spelling lists and picked out 10 to 15 words that you have spelled incorrectly in the past and written them down correctly. The spelling activities you choose to do to learn your words is completely up to you. Some students find writing their words out helps, others find having someone quiz you helps. Students have found cool apps that help them learn. If you are looking for a neat app, Starbucks (at Target) has a free app card this week, focused on spelling. Check it out there!

At home daily writing: This week, I would like you to write 1-2 pages (single spaced amount; double space your words if you are hand writing them, so people can read them more easily). Again, the subject can be your choice, or, if you are stuck, there are 101 suggestions right here!

Reading: Our goal is 20 books read this year. Is that a good goal for everyone? No. It is just a general goal. The best goal you could choose for yourself is to count the number of books you had read between September and December and double it, then add two. Why add two? Because you are getting better! Challenge yourself! We will be doing a neat little book report for May... you will see.

Science for Grade 7's:

All grade 7 classes, except mine 7A, have been given their gummy bear assignment back. I have marked all of them. Thou have one week to work on them. If you would like me to remark it, please return it to me during your class. 

No quiz this week. All classes need to have these  definitions: (Google or wiki them!)
-Line of symmetry
-structure types:  shell, solid and frame.
-give at least three examples of each type of structure, and draw or make one.

Science for Grade 8's:

Fluids: for this week's quiz, know this chart and the definition of Fluids:

  • Any form of matter that flows.
  • Since liquids and gases do NOT have a definite shape they are able to flow making them fluids.


The Downside of Being High - The Nature of Things

Language 7/8A: short story assignment

Group 1:  GB, MJ, BM, AMc, LP, GR, CSp
Please polish your CASI and submit it to me by FRIDAY

Please choose a short story, written by a Canadian. Read it and bring it to class with you for next Monday.

Everyone: Please bring back your BBQ form!! I would love you to come to this BBQ! There are some parents whom I haven't met and would like to.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Arts' Day!!!

J D Hogarth experienced Arts' Day yesterday. I had a fantastic time with the students I saw and will post pictures below. I can't post our videos we took of the plays we did, as some students' parents have signed Freedom of Information permission forms requesting (rightly so, in our digital world) that their child's image not be posted on the internet.

The previous post, written by a high school teacher who discusses quitting, resonates with me and Arts' Day. Yes, there is a link. Arts' Day, along with Track and Field Day, Winter Play day, field trips... any of those 'fun' days that extroverts seem to love to plan and then cherish to do... I HATED those days as a student. HATED THEM. I wanted more than anything to skip school on those days and stay at home. Why? I liked routine. I was good at playing the school game but not great at taking risks. Those days were so risky for me. Track and field and 'play' day - a time for me to show the entire world how much I SUCKED at any type of physical event. I was 5'10" by grade 6 and my arms and legs never seem to go in the direction I wanted.
Staying home was not an option. My parents forbade it. I had to vomit (copiously) or have a fever of 104 or show a broken bone. There was no, "I don't feel well." That was that. It was not a discussion; I was not in charge of those decisions, my parents were. "You will be fine when you get there," was a response I heard often. And, strangely enough, they were usually right. Not always. But, when my heart was pounding in my chest and I knew that it was my turn to grab the rubber chicken and run down the field and aim for the bucket (knowing I would miss), somehow I managed.
I didn't know it then, and I know my parents didn't realize it, but I was teaching myself perseverance. I was teaching myself strategies on how to cope with risky situations. I became a class clown, feigning that I meant to miss the rubber chicken bucket, or score on my own team's basket. I learned to laugh it off and suck it up. I was never chosen to be on a team. I was picked last in gym, almost always. I never went on a team bus or was good enough to go on a band trip. It was hard but I had other good qualities and I tried to focus on those.
I'm sorry Ms. Ray, but I still don't like participating in things like Arts' Day. I love my routine; my regular schedule that is safe and predictable. But, I know how important days like Arts' Day is, and it ISN'T ABOUT ART!!!! It's about taking risks. Walking into a room with a group of kids you don't know, listening to a teacher you haven't met before and doing something you may or may not be good at is horribly risky. And, so desperately important to do, so you realize that you survived at the end of it. You made it. Arts' Day happened, you were a part of it and lived to tell the tale.

These are just my personal thoughts. I dedicate them to all of the students who came to Arts' Day who hate days like this and to all of the parents who made their kids come (if you had to shove them out the door). I am so very proud of you.
Mrs. B

Written by a teacher ( C. Mielke)

AFFECTIVE LIVING Teaching. Learning. Living.


It’s 4 a.m. I’ve struggled for the last hour to go to sleep. But, I can’t. Yet again, I am tossing and turning, unable to shut down my brain. Why? Because I am stressed about my students. Really stressed. I’m so stressed that I can only think to write down what I really want to say — the real truth I’ve been needing to say — and vow to myself that I will let my students hear what I really think tomorrow. This is what students really need to hear: First, you need to know right now that I care about you. In fact, I care about you more than you may care about yourself. And I care not just about your grades or your test scores, but about you as a person. And, because I care, I need to be honest with you. Do I have permission to be honest with you — both in what I say and how I say it? Here’s the thing: I lose sleep because of you. Every week. Before I tell you why, you should understand the truth about school. 

You see, the main event of school is not academic learning. It never has been. It never will be. And, if you find someone who is passionate in claiming that it is about academics, that person is lying to himself or herself and may genuinely believe that lie. Yes, algebra, essay writing, Spanish, the judicial process — all are important and worth knowing. But they are not the MAIN event. 

The main event is learning how to deal with the harshness of life when it gets difficult — how to overcome problems as simple as a forgotten locker combination, to obnoxious peers, to gossip, to people doubting you, to asking for help in the face of self-doubt, to pushing yourself to concentrate when a million other thoughts and temptations are fingertips away. It is your resilience in conquering the main event — adversity — that truly prepares you for life after school. Because, mark my words, school is not the most challenging time you will have in life. You will face far greater challenges than these. Sure, you will have times more amazing than you can imagine, but you will also confront incomparable tragedy, frustration, and fear in the years to come. But, you shouldn’t be worried about the fact that you will face great adversities. You should be worried because you’re setting yourself up to fail at overcoming them. 

Here’s the real reason I lose hours of sleep worrying about you: You are failing the main event of school. You are quitting. You may not think you are quitting, but you are because quitting wears many masks. For some, you quit by throwing the day away and not even trying to write a sentence or a fraction because you think it doesn’t matter or you can’t or there’s no point. But it does. What you write is not the main event. The fact that you do take charge of our own fear and doubt in order to write when you are challenged — THAT is the main event. 

Some of you quit by skipping class on your free education. Being punctual to fit the mold of the classroom is not the main event of showing up. The main event is delaying your temptation and investing in your own intelligence — understanding that sometimes short-term pain creates long-term gain and that great people make sacrifices for a greater good. 

For others, you quit by being rude and disrespectful to adults in the hallway who ask you to come to class. Bowing to authority is not the main event. The main event is learning how to problem solve maturely, not letting your judgement be tainted by the stains of emotion. I see some of you quit by choosing not to take opportunities to work harder and pass a class, no matter how far down you are. The main event is not getting a number to tell you you are worthy. The main event is pulling your crap together and making hard choices and sacrifices when things seem impossible. It is finding hope in the hopeless, courage in the chasm, guts in the grave. 

What you need to see is that every time you take the easy way out, you are building a habit of quitting. And it will destroy your future and it will annihilate your happiness if you let it. Our society cares nothing for quitters. Life will let you die alone, depressed, and poor if you can’t man or woman up enough to deal with hardship. You are either the muscle or the dirt. You either take resistance and grow stronger or blow in the wind and erode. As long as you are in my life, I am not going to let quitting be easy for you. I am going to challenge you, confront you, push you, and coach you. You can whine. You can throw a tantrum. You can shout and swear and stomp and cry. And the next day, guess what? I will be here waiting — smiling and patient — to give you a fresh start. Because you are worth it.

So, do yourself a favor: Man up. Woman up. No more excuses. No more justifications. No blaming. No quitting. Just pick your head up. Rip the cords out of your ears. Grab the frickin’ pencil and let’s do this. – 

C. Mielke 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Update for Tuesday, April 22 to Friday, April 25

Tuesday, April 22nd Day 2
Casi practice is due! Please make sure it's in, as we are going to take it up this week.
Speech finals - you have all done a wonderful job! Who will be our winner?
Spelling quizzes - good luck for week 15!

8D Science:
Quiz - 3 states, 6 changes of states and 5 parts of the particle theory.
Create an experiment to prove that gas is a fluid.

Wednesday, April 23rd Day 3
Earth Day reading
Community Clean up! Let's get out there! (dress for the weather!)

7B and 7C Science:
Your test results have been emailed to you. If you haven't received your email, you may have entered the information incorrectly. We will be taking the test up and reviewing the answers. Your gummy bear assignments are also marked! They are coming back tomorrow (if you handed in on time).

Thursday, April 24th  Day 4
Paperless Thursday! Read, read, read! Make sure you bring your reading book and we will discuss our next reading assignment. Also, we should have our schedule for Arts' Day and will be able to discuss.

7D Science:
see above with 7B and 7C

Friday, April 25th Day 5
ARTS' DAY!!!! Enjoy your day!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Weekly Update: April 14 to the 17 (4 day week!)

Four day weeks seem like fun, but really, especially as you become an adult, you will learn that 4 day weeks mean you have to do 5 days' worth of work over 4 days!

Grade 8's Science:

We are starting our new unit on FLUIDS
Your REVIEW quiz this week:

  • The 5 parts of the Particle Theory
  • Three states of matter
  • 6 changes of state
  • The chart on how particles behave

Grade 7's Science:

Our Mixtures and Solutions Unit is over. This next week you will receive the results of your test and we will take it up. Please make sure your Gummy Bear/Observing Osmosis Assignment is in. Our next unit is Form and Function.

Grade 7/8A Language:
SPEECH: Your speech is this week! Here is the line up:

Tuesday: LVD, CSp, AMc, AT, CSh, JM, BMac, TSm, 
Wednesday: KW, RW, KLy, BP, HST, KLo, GR, LP, LC, JG
Thursday: GB, AB, KS, XF, TD, EC, HA, LR

Practice with someone at home! Practice, practice, practice! Practice so much that you aren't reading every word, but rather you are looking at your notes and speaking to the audience.

CASI FICTION PRACTICE:  I have sent you a story on the Cloud, along with questions. We are hoping to take this up in partners next week, starting on Tuesday. Please have it done by then.

Monday, April 14th: Day 3

  • 7B and 7C - take up test

Tuesday, April 15th: Day 4

  • 7/8A Language - Speech and CASI due
  • 7D Science - take up test

Wednesday, April 16th: Day 5

  • 7/8A Language- Speeches
  • 7/8A Science: 7's take up test; 8's: Review Quiz (see above), Fluids Experiment and reading
  • 8B Science: Review Quiz (see above), Fluids Experiment and reading
Thursday, April 17th: Day 1
  • 7/8A Language: Speeches; spelling tests
  • 8C Science: Review Quiz (see above), Fluids Experiment and reading

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Chocolate Fundraiser forms

Dear Parents,
Your child from room 7/8A is bringing home a letter today regarding chocolate bar fundraising. It says it was due yesterday. This is not your child's fault. It is mine. I forgot to hand them out. Can I ask you please to sign it and return it tomorrow. Thank you for your help.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Language for 7/8A Update

To all of my language students:

We were going to have your rough copy of your speech due by Friday, along with your spelling test; however, both have been rescheduled to THURSDAY! I will give you a small amount of time to work on it tomorrow. This is due to the fact that the grade 7's will be participating in a Abuse Prevention workshop Friday morning. The grade 8's will be 'farmed' out to other grade 8 classes.

Work hard ladies and gentlemen!

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Grade 7 Science:

The grade 7's are finishing up their Mixtures and Solutions Unit with a culminating project: The Gummy Bear Assignment: Observing Osmosis and will have a unit test THIS week. Here are the dates for the Quiz:
Monday, April 7th - Classes 7B and 7C
Tuesday, April 8th - Class 7D
Wednesday April 9th - Class 7A

Anyone away from their own test, can come in and join another class writing it or come to make up science class and write it then.

Grade 8 Science:

Introduction to FLUIDS and review of some grade 7 concepts that will apply to this unit.

7/8A Language:

Week of April 7th: Fiction CASI practice, editing skills and speech writing (not presenting - we are behind AGAIN!)

O2 Cat Advert Be more dog!!! GET OUT THERE AND CARE!!!

Weekly Updates LATE

Sorry, I'm at a Google Conference. I will try to post at lunch! See you then!

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

April Newsletter!!!

April News!!!

Yeah for spring! I think we are all ready for a change in the weather, and possibly ready for a change in Units in Science Class!

Grade 8 Science:

The grade 8's are finishing up their tests - 8B will be the last class to take their test (Tomorrow - April 2nd) and then I can give the quizzes back to you. Yes, the test was online, but I will be able to send your answers to you through the Cloud.

Our next unit will be FLUIDS. The curriculum states: Understanding Matter and Energy: Fluids"Students will learn about the diverse applications of the principles involved in fluid mechanics, the impacts of technological innovations based on the properties of fluids, and the industries and jobs related to fluids."(p. 146)

We will explore this topic for the next six weeks or so. We will continue to have small quizzes at the beginning of most classes, as well as a culminating project and unit test. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to come in during Make Up Science Class.

Grade 7 Science:

The grade 7's are finishing up their Mixtures and Solutions Unit with a culminating project: The Gummy Bear Assignment: Observing Osmosis and will have a unit test next week. Here are the dates for the Quiz:
Monday, April 7th - Classes 7B and 7C
Tuesday, April 8th - Class 7D
Wednesday April 9th - Class 7A
Anyone away from their own test, can come in and join another class writing it or come to make up science class and write it then.
After this unit wraps up, we will be switching to: Form and Function. The curriculum states: Understanding Structures and Mechanisms: Form and Function 
"They will investigate how different structural forms support or withstand loads by designing, building, and testing structures, using increasingly sophisticated
(p. 124)

Grade 7/8A Language:

We will be doing different assignments weekly, to consolidate the skills we have already learned, and apply them to new activities:
Week of March 31st: Non-Fiction CASI practice, editing skills and speech writing
Week of April 7th: Fiction CASI practice, editing skills and speech presenting
Week of April 14th: Poetry exploration, publishing skills and speech presenting
Week of April 21st: Poetry exploration, publishing skills and punctuation polishing
Week of April 28th: Poetry presentations

Important Dates:

Grade 8 field trip - Symposium - April 8th
Grade 8 Toronto field trip - final cheque - April 16th
Long weekend: off Friday, April 18th and Monday April 21st
Arts' Day: Friday, April 25th
Vaccinations: Thursday, April 17th
Green Legacy Tree Planting: April 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekly Update

A simple week this week:

Grade 7 Science: one more Solutions Experiment and study for your Unit test that will be next week. You can start by reviewing all of the notes and experiments on the website.

Grade 8 Science: Get back your unit test, take it up, and go outside for Predator/Prey!! Dress for the weather!!

Grade 7/8A Language: keep editing our work;  speech topics; get back your novel study projects; and, keep reading, "Out of My Mind."

Math Bridges: we will meet on Monday and Wednesday, from 3:15 to 4:30.
Remember, I have Math Facts Club every 1st nutrition break except Monday (day 3).

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly Update: March 24th to the 28th

Language 7/8A General Announcements:

  • Please make sure you wear indoor shoes into the classroom. Our floors are so wonderfully clean; let's keep it that way!
  • Daily Writing is happening: Monday evenings, Tuesday evenings and Wednesday evenings only. You don't have to write on Thursday night (unless you wish!) so you have more time to study for spelling.
  • Spelling: remember: you don't have to hand in any assignments; you can study however suits you best. After the test, you will be responsible for following up with words with the exercises listed on the website.

Grade 7 Science this week:

Experiment: Freezing - how low can you go?!

Quiz: KNOW the 5 parts of particle theory; know the three states of matter; and, know the four (or 6!) changes of state:

Grade 8 Science this week:

You have a Cell unit test this week. Please study the notes and labs found on the website. The test will be multiple choice, check the right answers, and true and false.

Monday, March 24th - Day 3

Class 7B and 7C:  experiment and quiz (see above)


MATH BRIDGES AFTER SCHOOL! See you in the library at 3:15

Tuesday, March 25th - Day 4

Class 7D: experiment and quiz (see above)

Wednesday, March 26th - Day 5

POWER OF POSITIVE CHOICES! Remember - you get a FREE pita!

MATH BRIDGES AFTER SCHOOL! See you in the library at 3:15

Thursday, March 27th - Day 1
Class 7A - experiment and quiz (see above)
Class 8A - Cell Unit Test
Class 8C - Cell Unit Test

Friday, March 28th - Day 2
Class 8B and 8D - Cell Unit Test

Monday, March 17, 2014

Grade 7 Science: Condensation Experiment

Condensation Experiment
Please finish the Condensation Experiment write up. If you have time and WANT to learn, do the extension questions. You will be responsible for knowing this information for next class.
Click on the experiment:  Condensation Experiment

Watch these short clips to help you understand!
Condensation: Chapter 2 Lesson 3
or, this
macro and microscopic view of condensation and evaporation

Language 7/8: New Spelling Words and Activities!

Let's do things differently now! You are on your own as to how you learn your words: you are not responsible to hand any activities in. On Friday, we will have our test. 

Any words you get wrong, THEN you have to do the following exercises:

1. -spell the word, 
 - write down the definition from the dictionary,
 - write down the part of speech
write your own sentence below it that illustrates the meaning of the word.

Example: The word is SURE.
SURE: assured or certain beyond question. adjective
I am sure that I will get perfect on my test because I have studied so hard.

2. write each word 5 times, using blue for consonants and red for vowels.

Submit to me before the end of the day. This work will be done during Friday's nutrition breaks.

Here are your words:

Blue words

Green Words

Purple Words

Thursday, February 27, 2014

March UPDATE: In like a lion!!!

Science:  Here's the line up for MARCH:

Week of March 3rd:

Grade 7's: 
Quiz: Particle Theory and Mixture Review (same as last week's - STUDY PLEASE!)
Experiments: Evaporation and Condensation, finish Rate of Dissolving.

Grade 8's:
Quiz: All plant and animal organelles and function.
PRACTICUM: I will ask each student to prepare a wet mounted slide of a plant specimen and irrigate it with iodine. Watch for times to sign up for your individual PRACTICUM!
Experiments: Animal Cell lab and Osmosis (hypo/hypertonic) finished.
Theory: Learn about active and passive transport. Read this LINK to a note on my website.

Week of March 17 - March 28th
Grade 8's:
Looking at the major concepts in our Cell Unit and wrapping up with World connections and a unit test.

Grade 7's:
Two more weeks of Mixtures and Solutions and then one week in April to finish up with a test and a project ... THE GUMMY BEAR PROJECT!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

Language: For the Month of March

Where did February go? We are steaming ahead, but we somehow missed our speeches! Novel studies will take up the first week of March. Make sure to hand them in completely by March 6th. I will mark them over the March Break and hand them back the first week following. That week, we will look at Public Speaking, descriptive writing and COMMAS!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

7A, B, C and D: The Bridge Question!

Read the following and answer the question, using words like: molecules, solid, vibrate, etc.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weekly Update: February 24th to the 28th


Class 7 b & c: you will have your since quiz on Day 1 instead of Day 3. STUDY!

Grade 7: 
  • Continue to be able to give me the definition and an example of: solute, solvent, solution and mechanical mixture.
  • Continue to be able to draw a 'normal' substance and water at a molecular level.
  • KNOW: The Particle Theory of Matter 
    •  All matter is made up of tiny particles.
    •  These particles are always moving… they have energy. 
    •  There are spaces among particles. 
    •  There are attractive forces between the particles. 
    •  The particles of one substance differ from the particles of other substances. 
Grade 8:
  • Know the important organelles of cells and their function, including: cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, stomata, chloroplasts, vacuole, mitochondria, lysosomes, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (what's the difference?) and ribosomes. Use this PAGE to help you. Make sure you know which are found only in plant cells, only in animal cells, or found in both.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

7/8A Language Novel Study Assignment:

Novel Study Assignment: Due date - MARCH 6TH

You may read your novel at home, but all work must be done in class.
  • create a title page for your novel study
  • create a prediction paragraph
  • read each chapter

  • do 3 summaries per book. Divide your pages by 3 and you have to do one summary for each third. Make sure to include the characters’ names, the main problem and the setting(s). Each summary should be 1 to 3 paragraphs long, containing important information that includes details from the text.
  • 25 vocab words decided on by the group per book.
  • Facebook page for one of your characters.
  • One big project due on the last day to orally present. The choices are:
    • Dust jacket
    • Cereal box
    • commercial for book
    • comic book - bitstrips
    • ????????? Make a suggestion! I'm open to new ideas!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekly update: Tuesday, February 18th to Friday, February 21st


ALL grade 7's: be able to give the definition and an example of:

  • solute
  • solvent
  • solution
  • mechanical mixture
ALL grade 8's: be able to identify 
  • the basic components of a plant cell, and their function, including:  cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, stomata, vacuole, chloroplasts, cytoplasm.
  • the definition of diffusion and osmosis, and an example of each.
This week, we will continue on with grade 7's experimenting to create solutions, including super-saturated solutions. Grade 8's will finish plant cells this week and be ready to move on to animal cells.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

7/8A apostrophe and media literacy assignment!!!

Apostrophe and Media Literacy Assignment:
  • Due February 20th and/or 21st
  • Find 5 correct pictures of apostrophes on the internet
    • Tell me if they are showing a contraction, possession or plural
  • Find 5 incorrect pictures of apostrophes on the internet
    • Tell me WHY they are wrong, and what they should be, then
    • Tell me if  they are showing a contraction, possession or plural
  • Take 5 to 10 pictures (around town!) of apostrophes with you IN IT!
    • Tell me if they are correct or incorrect
    • If incorrect, what should they be, then
    • Tell me if they are showing a contraction, possession or plural
  • These pictures need to be presented in a form of a slide show or another type of app, and shared with me on the Cloud. Some examples of apps are ShowMe, Haiku Deck, etc.

Check out this note to see apostrophe rules.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Weekly Update: Feb. 10th to 14th


Grade 7's (except 7A and 7D):

  • for you quiz this week, you need to: Be able to define the following terms and give examples of:  a mixture, a mechanical mixture, a solution, a solute and a solvent. See this note for help! 
  • Also, you have homework: list 5 household solutions (NOT mechanical mixtures), like this:  
    • Example: POP
    • Solute: carbon dioxide (gas) 
    • Solvent: water (liquid) 
    • Solution Type: gas-liquid 
    • Use: beverage

Grade 7A and 7D:
Due to snow days, etc. you are a week behind the other 7's. We might use a Language period to catch you up this week.

  • For your quiz this week, you need to know:
    • the seven steps of the scientific method
    • the three states of matter
    • the four changes of state (or 6!!! Bonus!)
    • Be able to draw a 'normal' substance in the three states of matter and draw water (an anomalous substance) in its three states of matter.  Watch this video to help you understand what water looks like when it freezes:

Grade 8's: (except 8A)
Learn the definition of osmosis and diffusion. This is a fantastic resource: Diffusion and Osmosis. Read it and know the definitions, the difference and be able to give an example.

Grade 8A:
Please know: the 7 characteristics of living things, the cell theory and the proper way to store a microscope.

Week at a Glance:

Monday, Feb. 10 - Day 5
Candy Grams for sale!~ 1 for $.50, and 3 for a $1.00
7/8A Science - see above for quiz. 7A to do solute/solution experiments. See quiz above (7A & 7D). 
8A to do celery lab, Part A.
8B Science - see above for quiz. Do celery lab, Part A.

Tuesday, Feb 11 - Day 1
Candy Grams for sale!~ 1 for $.50, and 3 for a $1.00
8C Science - Osmosis Lab. See above for quiz.

Wednesday, Feb 12 - Day 2
Candy Grams for sale!~ 1 for $.50, and 3 for a $1.00
8D Science - Osmosis Lab. See above for quiz.

Thursday, Feb. 13 - Day 3
Candy Grams for sale!~ 1 for $.50, and 3 for a $1.00
7B and 7C Science - Solid experiment and Solution experiment. See above for the quiz.

Friday, Feb. 14 - Day 4
Candy Grams for sale!~ 1 for $.50, and 3 for a $1.00 AND DELIVERY!
7D Science - Solutions experiment. See above for quiz (same as 7A)

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

February Newsletter



  • Make Up Science Class: I have opened the science room up quite a bit more for extra science; far too many times to list here, so it is best if you look on the chalk board outside of my room every day. Any time you wish to come in and work on a lab, you are welcome to do so. 

  • Extra work: Some students like to have extra work and/or more challenging work. This work is optional. I have two kinds available: 
    • Daily Science - extended science: this is a pdf science book that works on general concepts appropriate for either grade 7 or 8. You can access it on my website: daily science
    • Extended questions with Labs: this is for grade 8 students. After each Cell lab, I will offer up an extra lab or extended questions. These labs and questions are optional. They are for students who are planning on attending academic science in grade 9 and would like to broaden their knowledge for knowledge sake. You can find these extra labs and questions also on my website: Cell Labs

  • Grade 7: You will continue to work on Mixture and Solutions, learning by participating in science experiments. You need to know the steps of the scientific method by heart. You will need to know many definitions - which you can find on the website. Each week, you will have a mini quiz at the beginning of class. You will know what the quiz is on because each week, on the weekly update I post on Sundays, I will tell you what to study. These simple facts and definitions will help you with your experiment for that week.

  • Grade 8:  You will continue to work on Cells and Microscopes. I expect each lab to be written up, using the scientific method. These labs will be due either at the end of class or when assigned a due date during class. Each week, you will have a mini quiz at the beginning of class. You will know what the quiz is on because each week, on the weekly update I post on Sundays, I will tell you what to study. These simple facts and definitions will help you with your experiment for that week. There will be extra work that is optional. If you have any questions, please just come and see me.


  • Media Literacy: This month, we will be looking at apostrophes. While looking at apostrophes, we will research and use different apps to show our work to the class in a presentation.
  • Reading: We will be starting our novel studies. Each student has chosen a book from a few choices. We will be reading these novels in class. Home reading should continue and don't forget to fill in those book forms.
  • Writing: we will be focusing on answering our novel questions completely, making strong and convincing connections.
  • Oral Communication: it's speech time! More information.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Share This With All the Schools, Please

Share This With All the Schools, Please

Please, 7/8 A, read this and tell me if you think we should do this. I think so. We had kind of a rough week, but I want you to know, there isn't one of you that I wouldn't throw my arms around if I saw you walking down the street ten years from now. Please know that I care about each and every one of you.

Weekly Update: Feb. 3rd to Feb. 7th

Grade 7's

Please know:
  • the seven steps of the scientific method
  • the three states of matter
  • the four changes of state (or 6!!! Bonus!)
  • Be able to draw a 'normal' substance in the three states of matter and draw water (an anomalous substance) in its three states of matter.
To help you learn about water, watch this video:

Grade 8's

Please know:
  • these parts of the plant cell: cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, nucleus and stomata. Be able to label them on a diagram and tell me their function. See my website for details.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Weekly Update: Jan 27 - 31

Grade 7's

know the scientific method steps, the three states of matter and the four changes of state. Also, be able to draw water molecules in their liquid state: cold, room temperature and hot.

Grade 8's:

Know the 7 characteristics of living things, the cell theory and how to store (put away) a microscope properly.

Monday - Day 5
Language - make sure your January writing piece it is in to me please!
7A - chemistry lab: hot and cold water
8A - finish up Microscope lab #1 (and 2)

Tuesday - Day 1
8C - Microscope lab - Celery!

Wednesday - Day 2
Advisory - Blueprint Introduction
8D - Microscope lab - Celery!

Thursday - Day 3
7B and 7C - Chemistry Lab - The Ups and Downs of Thermometers

Friday - Day 4
7D - Chemistry Lab - The Ups and Downs of Thermometers