Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30/13

7/8A and 8B Science:
Classes: You do not have homework. You may work on your test next class. Remember, you are creating a test that encompasses all of the information from Chapter 2 Student Reading, pages:142 to 151. You need to have 20 or more questions with a balance of questions:
5 - Level 1 Questions: Straight Facts, multiple choice, True/False
5 - Level 2 Questions: Fill in the blank, memorized facts, short answer, etc.
10+ - Level 3 Questions: Thinking, applying, examples, analysis
2+ - Level 4 Questions: Application, analysis with connections, world problems, design your own..., etc.

WANT to work on it at home? Sure!!! Go ahead! The textbook link is below!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29/13

7/8A Advisory:
Make sure you have completed: THE GOOD COPY OF:
- Goal Mind Map
- If/Then Chart
- T Chart of the NOW YOU and the FUTURE YOU - what do you do right now to help you achieve your goal? What will your future self do to help you complete your goal?

7D Science:
Good work today class - too bad the internet didn't work like we NEED it to! You do not have homework. You may work on your test next class. Remember, you are creating a test that encompasses all of the information from Chapter 2 Student Reading, pages:142 to 151. You need to have 20 or more questions with a balance of questions:
5 - Level 1 Questions: Straight Facts, multiple choice, True/False
5 - Level 2 Questions: Fill in the blank, memorized facts, short answer, etc.
10+ - Level 3 Questions: Thinking, applying, examples, analysis
2+ - Level 4 Questions: Application, analysis with connections, world problems, design your own..., etc.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weekly Update: April 29 to May 3rd

Monday: Day 2
- Advisory - Boys wrap up; Goal Mind Map, T Chart - road blocks and strategies, the real you and the future you - the same, or different?

- Science 7D - Write your own Chapter Two test!

Tuesday: Day 3
- Science 7/8A and 8B - Write your own Chapter Two test!

Wednesday: Day 4
- Arts Day!

Thursday: Day 5
7C Science - we are off to the river! From 10:30 to 12:50. Cross your fingers for good weather!
7B Science - we are off to the river! From 12:50 to 3:00. Dress for the weather.

Friday: Day 1
8C Science - I missed you guys last week because of the dance-a-thon. Let's work on wrapping up our Chemistry Chapter Two.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25/13

Wow! That was chilly river dipping today! Great work 7A and 7D - I hope you had fun out there!
7C and B, I'm sorry we didn't get to the river today, but hopefully we will get out there next week.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

8D Science: well done today! Please make sure your final product is in to me by next Wednesday.

ALL GRADE 7'S!!!! DRESS WARMLY TOMORROW! You will need many layers of clothing. Bring mitts, hats, warm coat, etc. etc. you will be outside for three hours. There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Grade 7 Parents: HELP!

I need a volunteer for Thursday!!! HELP! Is there not a parent who could come and help us out for at least 1/2 a day?!
This is a cool website: check this out!

Tuesday, April 23/13

Science 7/8A and 8B:
Please finish writing up the experiment: Freezing!  It starts on page 121 and goes to 124. YOU MUST WRITE IT UP AS AN EXPERIMENT. Due Friday. I really prefer it done on the Cloud!!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weekly Update for: April 22nd - 26th

Monday, 22nd - P.A. Day 

Tuesday, 23rd - Day 3
7/8 A Science - review Benthic Macro Invertebrates for Thursday's  Field Trip; experiment
8B Science - condensation experiment and Chemical analysis of Photosynthesis

Wednesday, 24th - Day 4
8D Science - Condensation - Work period - MAKE SURE YOU ARE PREPARED TO COME TO CLASS AND WORK. If you would like to come to speak to me about your ideas, I would love to hear them - at Break. Please do not come during my other classes. At the end of the class, please make sure to hand in your 'proof'. Also: Chemical analysis of Photosynthesis

Thursday, 25th - Day 5
8:50 - 12:00 - 7A and 7D: walk to river; study with EcoSpark the BMI's; walk back
12:00 - 3:10 - 7B and 7C: walk to river; study with EcoSpark the BMI's; walk back

Friday, 26th - Day 1
8C Science - Google forms - Didn't like my test? You get to write you own! This time on Chapter 2's content.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18/13

8C Science:  Great work today on FREEZING!! Your experiment is due on Tuesday. DO NOT JUST WRITE UP THE ANSWERS!!! WRITE IT UP AS AN EXPERIMENT! Come on, guys!!! Do it right!

16. Never Lose Hope

From CWDHS Students:

Youth Talk

Do you know someone who needs help? Do you need help? Talk to someone. Anyone. You are not alone.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, Apr. 16/13

8D Science: Okay! Project based learning it is! I give you a question - you figure out a solution.

First one is easy - for next class you need to design an experiment and be ready to do it in the next class. Question: What is condensation? Show me.

You will need to use the 7 steps of the scientific method.
In your experiment, list simple materials that you think I would have in my classroom. If you need special items, come and see me before next class.


You may work on your own or with a partner. NO THREESOMES UNLESS YOU COME AND SEE ME BEFORE NEXT CLASS.

What is condensation? Check out our online textbook, page 94 (teacher explanation pages) or 104 (student worksheet pages. (look below on this blog for the link to the textbook)

What is the 7 steps to the scientific method? Here they are again:

7 steps of the scientific method

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

8C Science: Thank you so much for doing your science test today. It's a shame that we couldn't do it online, but it's still nice to have it over with!
Thank you my lovely 7/8A Class for being flexible today and letting 8C have your science period. I promise to go out next time we are together!
8B Science: Please let me know what you decide before next class. If no one approaches me, then textbooks it is!

Our thoughts turn to Alexis. Take care, Alexis. We love you and miss you.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekly Update: April 15 - 19

ALL GRADE 7's: The first class to get 100% of their Stream Study Permission Forms in get TIMBITS!

Monday - Day 3
- spring photo day!
8C - Mr. Newton and I are working on fitting in a time for your test TODAY
7/8A Science - take up the test, Gr. 7's: work on River Study prep, Gr. 8's: experiments Ch. 2, lesson 4&5
8B Science - take up the test, experiments Ch. 2, lesson 4&5

Tuesday - Day 4
8D Science - take up the test, discuss next unit

Wednesday - Day 5
7B & 7C Science - take up the test, work on River Study prep

Thursday - Day 1
8C Science - take up the test, experiments

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Educational Thoughts...possibly more for parents...

I cannot tell you who wrote this passage; I'm sorry. I have obviously cut and pasted it from somewhere but I didn't copy and paste the source. If you don't know who Rip Van Winkle is, Google the name...

The computer and the internet's evolution these past few years have been staggeringly fast. A computer that used to fill an entire building in 1965 has about the same computing power as a modern-day cellphone. Most of the popular forms of media like TV, radio, and print are slowly being nudged from their pedestal by the internet. Everything seems to have changed drastically these couple of years, and this includes the K-12 education system.

Some say that this change has been a long time coming. There is an analogy that uses fairy tale character Rip van Winkle to describe this; Rip van Winkle has just woken up from his hundred year slumber and stares in amazement about how much everything has changed in the time that he was asleep, he almost did not recognize anything, until he went into a classroom. Rip van Winkle recognized immediately that it was a classroom because nothing much has changed in the K-12 educational system since he fell asleep in 1906.

Thankfully, educators are starting to change with the times. The trend in K-12 education these days is that learning institutions should try their best to keep up with the recent advances in technology to better teach their students.

Another thing to ponder:

Peter Mansbridge's Thoughts on Ontario Teachers

Please understand, I do not mean to be getting political. My point isn't that this award-winning journalist supports Ontario teachers. It was to my amazement that Peter Mansbridge didn't finish high school. Let's just be clear - Wikipedia states this about him:

Peter Mansbridge, OC (born July 6, 1948), an English-Canadian broadcaster and news anchor. He is chief correspondent for CBC News and anchor of The National, CBC Television's flagship nightly newscast. Mansbridge has received many awards and accolades for his journalistic work including an honorary doctorate from Mount Allison University where he is serving as chancellor until December 2017.[2]

This man is incredibly smart - but he didn't finish high school. At least not the first time he went through. He joined the Navy and then finished high school. My point (and I do have one) is that this man didn't fit the education mold that we try to push all young people through. He quit school, but he didn't let that stop him with his ambitions.

If you sometimes wonder if you 'fit' in at school - please remember this: we have an institution that is more of a, "one size fits all" model. Your worth as a person is not measured by your academic success. Your academic success is measured by your academic success. That's it. Am I saying to quit school and join the Navy? No. What you are learning by staying in school might not be calculus (my nemesis), but perseverance, commitment and 'grit'.  Mansbridge did quit school but he then joined the Navy, not sat around in a dark basement playing Grand Theft Auto. Let me be clear about that. 

If your dreams don't seem to be in line with your schooling right now, hang in there. Live in the moment of each and every lesson and think, "What could I be learning from this experience?" Sometimes it might only be patience while your science teacher drones on about molecules and changes of state. Keep an eye on your dreams and build a road map to get there. Start right now. The education system is changing, but I guarantee not as fast as you are ready for it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Snow Day Update...

With the cancellation of schools today, the JD Intermediate students miss their Dance-a-thon and a play that they were going to see at the Theatre on the Grand. I am sure we will re-schedule the Dance-a-thon; however, we have heard from the theatre group.Unfortunately, the play will not be offered later. I am sure you will all get your money back. Perhaps you would like to donate your $5 to the dance-a-thon? Just a thought.


Oh yeah, oh yeah!! I promise to get all of your tests and posters marked.

Check this out:
the Grand

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hey grade 7's!

How about the first class to get in 100% of their river trip permission forms get a big box of timbits?!!!
Good luck everyone!

Thursday, April 11/13 SNOW DAY!!

For those lucky people who came to school today - you got the royal treatment! Extra gym, High School Musical Practice, History Test practice and a Cloud tutorial! Well done to everyone who came. Gr. 8C - if we have time tomorrow, between the dance-a-thon and the play we WILL have your test. If not - Monday.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wed. Apr. 10/13 7/8A Language

7/8A Language: Two assignments:

1. Lifestyle Habits Experiment - Only Jimmy, Alexis and Cole are exempt from this. The rest of you, change your experiment to emulate theirs please. Due next Wednesday.

2. Select a passage of poetry or prose that you think sounds beautiful. You need to practise reading it and be prepared to present to the class. minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 5 minutes. Please time yourself.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 13: Science Test

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I made an announcement last Thursday and Friday. I wrote the same message on each Intermediate board on Monday. Please, please, make sure you can sign into the Cloud. Please. Not sure? Try it on a computer in the library. Try it on a friend's computer. Try to sign in at home. Anything. Otherwise, you will not be able to write the test. Please.
Thank you.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Monday, April 8/13

Testing update:

Well, for the very first time of having an online test, its gone - not badly - but there has been a few glitches.  For the valiant few who lost their test data - my sincerest apologies. Thank you for bearing with me.
Why am I doing it?
Two reasons: one, some people really like to 'engage' with a computer - type their answers, etc. Your generation has possibly read more on a screen than on a page.
Reason two - the Google Cloud Education Apps is in its infancy. You are so lucky to be part of a School Board who is forward thinking enough to be apart of this pilot project. I believe it is only going to become more and more important in education.
Please continue to be patient. Thank you.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Weekly Update: April 8 to 12, 2013

This is a big week with testing. If you miss your test, please come and see me immediately.

7/8A Language - please make sure to submit your Lifestyle Habits Experiment to me on the Cloud.
7/8A and 8B Science - You have a test. Please remember your poster and its criteria page (the rubric).
Last Math Bridges Class - All Monday students who have earned a pizza party - we will see you in the Library at 3:20. Feel free to bring a treat for your friends!

8D Science -  You have a test. Please remember your poster and its criteria page (the rubric).
Run/Walk Club starting!!! Already a runner? Go with Mr. Newton. Want to build up to a 10K run? Join the Run/Walk Club with me!!

7C and B Science - You have a test. Please remember your poster and its criteria page (the rubric). 7C - you may end up writing your test during the first two periods because of the assembly conflict. Ms. Bilton and I will work it out.
11:10: Anti-Bully Assembly for all students in the gym.

8C Science - You have a test. Please remember your poster and its criteria page (the rubric).

Run/Walk Club starting!!! Didn't come Tuesday? No problem! You can still join!

7/8A Advisory - BOYS: So, how much gaming did you do in the past week? Share your data.
7D Science - Take up the test - onward!!!

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Fantastic day with Mme Ghazarian.

Fantastic day learning about BMI's: benthic macro invertebrates. Just you wait grade 7's!!

Mme Ghazarian checking out different benthos.

Saturday, April 6,13

1749 Meadowvale Rd, Toronto, ON M1B 5W8

Where I am today!! I'm participating in a stream study workshop to prepare me for our gr. 7 stream field trip. Mme Ghazarian is with me!!

Friday, April 05, 2013

Fri. April5,2013

7/8A - advisory: boys- you have homework. How much time do you spend on gaming?! Record your data for 7 days.

7/8A and 8B - Science - get your posters done and don't forget them on Monday. Your test will take the whole two periods. Study.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Tues. April 2,2013.

Everybody: work away on your posters and study! Make up science class is Thursday this week.

Something cool to watch:  http://www.ted.com/talks/richard_turere_a_peace_treaty_with_the_lions.html

Monday, April 01, 2013

Weekly Update: April 2 - April 12 (two weeks)

Big Test and Assignment coming up!!!

You are to make a Science Poster -
This science poster will be a cheat sheet for your upcoming test.

Test dates:

7D - Friday, April 5th

7/8A and 8B - Monday, April 8th

8D - Tuesday, April 9th**

7B and 7C - Wednesday, April 10th

8C - Thursday, April 11th

What's on the test:

Grade 7's:
- Student Reading from your textbook, pages 56 to 60
- Seven steps of the Scientific Method
- WHMIS Classes and Symbols

Grade 8's:
- all of the above information , PLUS
- Solvents, Solutes and Solutions
- Observing Osmosis (gummy bear) background information and data analysis

Class 8D - your test is on our Fluids Unit. We will discuss particulars tomorrow in class.