Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Of course... Science Classes 7B and 7C

The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy! (The best laid schemes of Mice and Menoft go awry,And leave us nothing but grief and pain,For promised joy!)Robert BurnsTo a Mouse (Poem, November, 1785)

We were all ready to work yesterday, 7C and 7B, and.... no internet. At all. Across the Board! So, as many of you are unable to work on your projects without the internet, I would like to extend our due day by a week. You will have next Tuesday, Day 3, to work on your Ecosystems in the classroom. I apologize for this; I know so many of you want an earlier deadline!!!!
Please remember, I do not have many supplies. If you would like to email me a wish list, I will do the best I can to help you. However, you need to email me BEFORE the class!!! I am not a genie!!!