Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, Jan. 29/13

7D Science:
Great work, today ladies and gentlemen!! Thanks for doing extra cleaning for me, Ronan. Much appreciated.
Homework: due by... let's say Friday -

1 - Questions 1, 2 (both charts) and 3, 4 of lesson 3:

lesson 3: The Process of Dissolving

2 - the Practice Test I gave you today in class. DO NOT HAND IT IN. Do it. Study it. Understand it. KNOW IT. Got it?!

Thank you - that is all!

7/8A Advisory:
WOW! Thank you so very much Dr. Williams for coming in to speak to our class(es) today! Holy cow - you have to go to school for a long time to be a surgeon - THANK GOODNESS!!! We loved the 'cat scratch' story - all that blood!!