Friday, February 08, 2013

Science Weekly Update for Feb. 11 -15

Classes 8B and 8D: 

You will have a test on the WHMIS Symbols - I will expect that you can:
match the symbol to its class
give an example of each

Classes 7B and 7C:

You will have a test this week on:
The definition of a solute, solvent and solution
The seven steps of the scientific process
What the three (four?) states of matter are
and what A.P.E. means in Science Class.

Classes 7/8A and 7D:

You will be given the GUMMY BEAR assignment this week. It will be an at-home project.


Will be Thursday, Feb. 14th 

(sorry, lovebirds), during 2nd N.B.


  • you missed a science class
  • if you aren't sure what you have missed
  • if you find the concepts we are covering to be confusing
  • if you want help with the Cloud.