Tuesday, October 22, 2013

7/8A - you simply R.O.C.K.

You know I love? Getting good reports from other teachers. It makes me proud and I take far more credit than I deserve for you behaviour, since you've known me for about a nano-second, but I can't help it. I feel proud.
Ms. Bilton came to see me at the end of the day today. She told me that one of my students was having some trouble and was doing his best to deal with it quietly by himself. Ms. Bilton said that about 5 students, independently, came to check on this student to see if he was okay. One lovely person went on to say, "We care about you; we are family."
You are wonderful people and I am honoured to work with you. And I say work with you, because so many of you do work HARD every single day. Congratulations on being good people. Parents, who could ever ask for more?