Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

YOU WILL HAVE A TEST ON THE MICROSCOPE PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS DURING YOUR NEXT SCIENCE CLASS. If you would like to study, come and see me at any 'eating' part of a nutrition break. If you would like to tell me ORALLY each part and its function (and NOT have to write down the information) and be tested that way, come and see me during any 'eating' part of a nutrition break If you would like to show me that you know the information in ANY WAY other than the written test, come and do it!! I am open to creative solutions! I only need you to prove to me you know and understand the parts and functions of a microscope.

GRADE 7/8 A L.A.:
- Please remember to bring back your UGCLOUD form.
- Please remember that your spelling is due on Monday.
- Please spend some time thinking about what you 'passion' is! Thank you Kevin, for sharing yours!
- Please have a safe weekend.