Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, Sept. 17, 12

Class 8C: You have science tomorrow. We will be doing our "Science and Tech" Chart for Bellwork! IF YOU ARE READING THIS BLOG - GOOD FOR YOU!!! YOU CAN COPY THE CHART OUT RIGHT NOW AND HAND IT IN TO ME TOMORROW AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF CLASS!!! I'm doing this because I'm happy you are checking on the blog the day before science class. Thanks!

Class 7/8 A:
L.A. Please hand in your paragraph on the SETTING of your personal narrative book you are reading, using A.P.E.

What is A.P.E.?
A.P.E. stands for:

A =Answer the question using full sentences.
P = Prove your answer by providing a page number that you found your information on and/or give lots of details that back up your answer.
E = Extend your answer by writing about ONE of the following: text - to - text connection, text - to - self connection or text - to - world connection.