Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

To ALL 176 of my students and their parents/guardians!!
After carefully compiling all of your emails, sadly, it has been suggested by administration that parents and teachers not communicate via email. I see their point. Things can be misunderstood in an email that is easily understood when face to face with someone and/or speaking with them on the phone. Also, emails can be forwarded, seen by others when confidentiality might be a factor, etc. SO, please, please stay in touch via phone or dropping by or agendas! I am in the school every day by 8 a.m. definitely, often earlier.  Please come by if you have a concern, or call and leave a message. I will do my absolute best to call ou back that day.  

Class 8B:
Thank you for working hard on your lab today. You need to hand in you lab answer sheets to me by tomorrow, by 3:10. If you want, I will provide any assistance you need at any part of either nutrition break.
Please remember that if you are absent from a Science class, it is your responsibility to come to the make up Science class. I will give your home room teacher any notes you may have missed, plus an invite to a make up class. These classes are not mandatory, but are recommended.

Reminder to ALL GR. 7 CLASSES: You will be going outside tomorrow or Monday. It is just safe to assume that if you have Science, dress for the weather..

My 7/8 Class:
-  No matter if we win the pizza party or not, I am extremely proud of you all. Well done. Thank you for helping to make such a successful Terry Fox Day.
  Spelling: next round of spelling words will start on Monday.
-  Science Homework: exactly the same as 7FI's Science homework. It was posted on the blog yesterday. However, it is not due until next Wednesday (in case you are busy this weekend!)